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Top 10 digital marketers in India is what we are going to see in our blog . Digital marketers are the people who are proficient in using some of the most demanding online tools in the world to make a brand or a business to reach more people by making them visible to more people all over the world. The main work of a digital marketer is to make an ongoing offline business to convert them into an online business to make the business easy to reach out to more potential clients and boosting By making the business come  to the online world the business gets to reach the heights of many high paying clients rather than being stuck in a same place of work and giving us a potential return of investment and making or business a well recognize able brand .By making the business the a brand can change the way the business owner have looked at the business in a different way and different ideas will pour up ..So these things are made possible only by the help of a digital marketer .Though digital marketer in the world  are rising in a great speed and we will see the top 10 digital marketers in India in this blog below. You can check out one of the beginner in digital marketing through this link.

Why digital marketers are important?

                As age where we are totally traversing into a digital age the business which are running offline will be considered as a dead fish in this digital sea .The way of converting the business ,products ,brands ,people, and et cetera have become more crucial than ever .And the one who can help you with all these are a digital marketer .There are many digital marketers in India. This blog contains the top 10 digital marketers in India. A digital marketer can make a average running business into a best performing online business in no time . Where a business owner have to present maximum of their time in the offline business the digital marketers have some unique ways that ensures many benefits for the owner .A digital marketer makes a brand which is recognize able by 10 percent of the audience reach 200 percent more audience and making the revenue increase .By making the brand well recognize able in the online world in the online world and automating it the business owner can focus on many other things rather than being present in the business and spending their precious time only for the business . And if you happen to search for the best in the digital marketing field here are the top 10 digital marketers in India below

Top 10 Digital Marketers in India

RankNameExpertiseCompany/InitiativeNotable Work
1Sorav JainSocial Media MarketingechoVME DigitalDigital scholar, Author
2Deepak KanakarajuSEO, Content MarketingDigital DeepakBlogger, Consultant
3Prateek ShahDigital Marketing EducationDigital DefyndCourses & Training
4Bhavik SarkhediContent Marketing, BrandingWrite RightStorytelling Expert
5Pradeep ChopraDigital Marketing TrainingDigital VidyaIndustry Pioneer
6Jitendra VaswaniBlogging, Affiliate MarketingBloggersIdeasInternet Entrepreneur
7Neil Patel IndiaSEO, Growth HackingNeil Patel Digital IndiaCo-founder of NP Digital
8Rajat JainPerformance MarketingShootOrderDigital Strategy
9Ankur AggarwalAffiliate Marketing, BloggingAnkurAggarwal.inPassive Income Expert
10Himanshu AroraDigital AdvertisingSocial PangaGrowth & Branding

1. Sorav Jain

Sorav Jain is the one ruling the digital marketing era for a long time. Sorav jain is the number one in the list of the Top 10 Digital Marketers in India .He is a early bird who started his digital marketing journey at the age of 17. He is now an entrepreneur, trainer, author, speaker and the founder of the Chennai’s number 1 digital marketing agency echoVME .He has trained many students and made them a professional digital marketers .Most importantly he has worked with top brands to scale up their business and reach more and more heights .His institute Digital Scholar has trained more than 10,000+ students and most of the students has got place in top companies too .He recently showed a big marketing impact in credai. You can visit sorav jain sir’s blogs to find more content. Nearly going to complete 50 batch of 50 students in 1 month.

2. Deepak Kanakaraju

Deepak Kanakuraju or Digital Deepak is one the India’s top digital marketer And the second digital marketer we are going to see now .He is popular for his expertise in digital marketing ,blogging, consultation, training and entrepreneurship .Deepak Kanakuraju is the number two in the list of the Top 10 Digital Marketers in India. He is the founder of PixelTrack and LearnToday . Learn today is his platform to provide digital marketing training and consultation .With his years of experience he has worked with many big brands and startups .He has helped brands grow by content marketing, SEO and paid ads

3. Prateek Shah

Prateek shah is the third top digital marketer we are going to see now Prateek shah is mostly known for being a digital marketing trainer, entrepreneur and founder of the Digital Defynd . Prateek Shah is the number threein the list of the Top 10 Digital Marketers in India .The digital Defynd a learning hub for students to become digital marketers .He specializes in PPC, social media ads and growth strategies

4. Bhavik Sarkhedi

Bhavik Sarkhedi is the fourth digital marketer we are going to look . Bhavik Sarkhedi is the number Fourth in the list of the Top 10 Digital Marketers in India .He is a content marketing strategist ,entrepreneur and a best-selling author for his expertise in storytelling .He is the founder of the agency name WriteRight .It is one of the India’s top content writing agency .They have a strong SEO, copywriting and branding background.

5. Pradeep Chopra

Pradeep Chopra is the fifth person in this list .He is one of the pioneering digital marketers , the co-founder and the CEO of Digital Vidya .He also has a leading digital marketing training institute .He has two decades of experience .He has a crucial role in shaping digital marketing education in India .He is the first to launch official social media marketing course .Pradeep Chopra is the number fifth in the list of the Top 10 Digital Marketers in India

6. Jitendra Vaswani

Jitendra Vaswani is the sixth person we are going to see in this blog. He is a blogging, affiliate expert , is a speaker and an entrepreneur .He is the founder of BloggerIdeas and Digiexe .He has an affiliate marketing empire built and now helps business and individuals to scale their online presence .He has also travelled to twenty plus countries as a digital marketing nomad .He is the author of Inside A Hustler’s Brain.

7. Neil Patel

Neil Patel is the seventh person we are going to see in our list . He is one of the New York times bestselling author .He is the co-founder of Neil Patel digital, Crazy egg, Ubersuggest, kissetrics and helped fortune 500 companies like Airbnb, google, Microsoft to grow their traffic .He has over 1 million+ followers in social media. Neil Patel is the number seventh in the list of the Top 10 Digital Marketers in India. He is the most influential one in this list. He is well known in india as he is in collab with many international brands.

8. Rajat Jain

Rajat Jain is a digital marketing strategist and the founder of ShootOrder which is one of the leading digital marketing agency in India He has a business growth and automation strong foundation He has also worked with fortune companies like Time group, BMW and The Hindu. He is a recognized industry leader

9. Ankur Aggarwal

Ankur Aggarwal is the ninth person in this list. He is a digital entrepreneur ,affiliate marketing expert and a content creator ,He is also an expert in SEO, blogging and passive income strategies .He has a blog where he share helpful information about SEO ,digital marketing and financial freedom.

10. Himanshu Arora

Himanshu Arora is the tenth person we are going to see in this list. He is a digital marketing strategist a trainer and a co-founder of the company Social Panga .He  is an expert in SEO, social media marketing, performance marketing and brand strategy. He is also the one who helped some of the fortune 500 companies. He has conducted workshops in Google, IIM’s and various corporate events. Himanshu Arora is the number tenth in the list of the Top 10 Digital Marketers in India.


The above mentioned people have shaped the digital marketing era with their great efforts. Though this list may change on the go but these people have sculpted their names in the hall of fame of digital marketing because of their hard work .So each and every person in this blog are the most important people of this era.